The Keys to Key Account Management

Insights, ideas, and resources to help you build a world-class key account management program.

Valkre Case Study

KAM Tools & Technology

Integrating Internal Teams for Seamless KAM

Building a best-in-class Key Account Management (KAM) program is no small feat. The complexities of effective KAM...

Beyond CRM: How a Key Account Management Platform Unlocks Growth and Retention

Have you found yourself struggling to convince your leadership team that investing in Key Account Management (KAM)...

The Business Case for Key Account Management Technology

Key Account Management has become a critical component of the customer engagement model. Companies see success when...

Key Account Management Teams and Technology

A team-based approach to Key Account Management is critical for achieving top-tier results from a KAM Program....

Proven Benefits of Key Account Management vs Traditional Sales

Thinking about shifting gears from the usual sales grind to Key Account Management (KAM)? You're in good company. A lot...

Are you ready to build a best-in-class key account management program?

Imagine what you could do with the right platform and processes in place to maximize your relationship with your most important customers. Connect your teams to Valkre and see how it feels to be world-class.